Traveling with one of the sales guys today. After dinner with the customer (great Italian!!), we went to Harper's Ferry. Here are some shots with the Nikon point & shoot.
The view out my hotel window - race track with barns in the background. Hoping the horses are working early tomorrow.
Railroad tracks and the Harper's Ferry railroad station - the commuter train runs into Washington, DC. Heck of a ways to travel for work.
The Shenandoah river. It joins the Potomac just a little bit down river from Harper's Ferry.
One of the many deer we saw around Harper's Ferry and Charles Town. The photos of the very cute mama and fawn were too blurry to post.
Today starts P365 Redux. I'm doing to do it from one day before my birthday this year to my birthday next year. Wish me luck - a photo every day for a year is a damn lot of photos!