It's amazing how much stuff you can find to shoot when you're doing a one-topic project. I wrote a list of glass objects, and have just been setting them up and shooting them. My camera, a Nikon D7000 has a function called Live View. When activated, it allows live focusing, zoomed way in, and you can see if the part of the subject you want sharp, is sharp. For tiny things like the earrings below, it really helps.
4. Black glass earrings with tiny pink roses. These reminded me of my Grandma Kucera. She brought back gorgeous glass whenever she visited Czechoslovakia, which is know for its glasswork. Look closely, you can even see the tiny bubbles trapped in the glass beads.
5. Glass candy dish. No idea where this came from. Kind of cute with it frosted swirling ribs. Not too long ago, it was filled with Hershey's Almond Kisses.
6. The lantern on my hearth. I liked this black and white last night when I was working on it. Not so much now. Maybe I should have left a little more color in it?
7. Mercury glass candle stick. I like this one better - left a little more color in it and it looks more dimensional.
Enough for now!