Sunday, August 29, 2010

31 Bugs

August's 31 Bugs project is going sloooowly. It's going to run into September, since I think I have about ten not-blurry insects so far.

Here are a few:

Look at those eyes - red-orange with white and black racings stripes. It obligingly hung out on a geranium while I took a bunch of photos.

Yellow Jackets, building condos on the garage soffit. Apparently this kind is (relatively) peaceable, so the nest gets to stay until winter.

Gnarly-looking dude, checking out the snack supply.

Here's a cute spider - about 2" top to bottom. He perists in webbing up the hose cart, even though it gets trashed every time I water the plants.

27 more creepy crawly cuties to come...I know you can't wait.

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