Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Early Worm Gets the Bird, but not the Otter

Took a quick hike at Beaver Marsh in CVNP early yesterday morning. Lots of runners, hikers, dogs and other birders and photographers out.

This intrepid hunter was about 25 feet off the Ira Road Trailhead path. They're usually pretty spooky, but this guy just didn't seem to have a care in the world, even when some guy on a cell phone stood next to me, chatting away.

This is the best I could do with this green heron. He resolutely refused to move from behind that branch.

Young wood duck, already showing spectacles. Look at the intricate patterning of the feathers on his chest.

Great Blue Heron stink eye. Something in the marsh wasn't meeting with his approval.

The waterlilies were closed tight when I arrived and just started to open when I left.

Still hoping for otters and the rumored kingfisher. And maybe a nicer shot of the green heron. Maybe if I roll out of bed a little bit earlier...

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