Saturday, February 7, 2009

26 Things - Weathered and Bottom, and a Reflection

Out riding with the S3IS. Set it for "snow", worked out ok, would've liked to see a little more texture in the snow - it was ~2 pm, so the light was too high for that. Pleasant ride, though some snowmobilers were out polluting the air with motor whine and gas. After riding for years through the same fields and woods, gasoline smell is really obtrusive.
I don't expect to smell anything except mown hay, leaves, and whatever's blooming. Of course, nothing could dampen my pleasure in the sounds and sight of melt. Water was running everywhere. I liked the shot above, not just for the reflections of the forest, but for the deer tracks on the bottom of the streamlet.


  1. I really like the first picture. Great captures.

  2. Wow the last photo there is just soo cool with the forest reflection! Very pretty!! Great shots!

  3. The trees reflecting in the last photo are very pretty!

  4. I love the reflection photo, a pretty cool shot!

  5. These are great! So sorry your ride was tainted by that icky smell- yuck!

  6. All great takes on the themes!

  7. Love the reflection in the last shot! :)
